I became a therapist because I've been where you are: frustrated, shattered, shell-shocked, and vulnerable. My friends didn't really understand what I was going through, and I needed HELP!

I literally did not know what happened to me, and it took me years to piece together information about personality disorders, toxic people, manipulation, gas lighting, and the tricks of the abuser's trade. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and chronic post traumatic stress disorder. I experienced panic attacks during the height of the toxicity in my life.

As I started to research what was happening to me, I was overwhelmed by books about co-dependency, narcissists, good and bad relationships, and how men and women act in relationships. I found a ton of information about what was happening and what toxic people do.

But I needed help figuring out what to do!

I needed to learn how to change MY behavior so that I could survive, move on, and eventually thrive.

The purpose of my work is to help people change relationship patterns, and to help survivors recognize and recover from the emotional abuser in their life.

After I became a therapist, I quickly discovered that victims of emotional abuse are everywhere. I realized that by using the Internet, I might be able to help others beyond the walls of my office, and offer badly needed information, empathy, and compassion at the most vulnerable of times.

You need someone who is direct, open, and empathetic. We can work together to get your life back as efficiently and quickly as possible.

You're right where you need to be.


Jill Ann Nelson has a Master's of Science degree in mental health counseling, and is a licensed psychotherapist in the state of Illinois. She has more than 15 years' experience working one-on-one with people, dealing with the most intimate details of their lives. Her specialty in toxic relationship arises from the commonality of experience, and the devastation she's witnessed.